
Simplify Regulatory Compliance.

The Compliance Workspace module is a comprehensive case management solution designed to handle all cases related to Know Your Customer (KYC). This includes Identity and Verification case exceptions and screening matching. The module ensures efficient and effective management of compliance-related tasks, helping organisations meet regulatory requirements and mitigate risks. A key feature of this module is the automation of document collection from different identity sources, simplifying the compliance process for both retail and business customers.

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how it works

Collect. Manage. Resolve.

The Compliance Workspace module efficiently handles all KYC-related cases, including identity verification exceptions and screening matches, ensuring thorough compliance with regulatory requirements through automated document collection and robust case management.

  1. Case Creation

    Cases are created automatically from identity verification exceptions, screening matches, or manually by users. Cases can be created from instructions received from any channel or as an ad-hoc by compliance users.

  2. Workflow Management

    Configurable workflows guide the case through various stages, ensuring all necessary steps are completed.

  3. Monitoring and Escalations

    SLAs and escalation rules ensure cases are resolved within the required timeframes.

  4. Resolution and Closure

    Cases are resolved and closed once all issues are addressed and necessary approvals are obtained.

why it works

Accurate and Efficient.

Utilising advanced automation and integration capabilities, the solution ensures accurate and efficient handling of KYC cases, thereby reducing manual intervention and improving compliance outcomes. It enhances customer satisfaction by automating and streamlining case management processes, providing real-time visibility for proactive issue resolution, and adhering to regulatory requirements through robust security measures and audit trails.

the difference

Detailed and Automated.

Our Compliance Workspace module offers detailed inspections, automated document collection from centralised and business directory sources, and the ability to manage complex business entities with ease, ensuring a comprehensive approach to compliance.

Comprehensive Management: Handles a wide range of KYC-related cases including identity verification exceptions and screening matches.

Customisable Workflows: Offers highly configurable workflows to match specific organisational processes and requirements.

Integrated Communications: Facilitates integrated customer communications within the case management system, ensuring clear and consistent updates.

Advanced Features: Includes advanced case management features such as SLAs, escalations, maker-checker processes, parent-child case management, and a report and dashboard designer.

Multi-Channel Integration: Handles cases from various channels and integrates seamlessly with different software vendors through a rich API.

Document Collection Automation: Automates the collection of documents from different identity sources, reducing manual data entry and ensuring accuracy.

Complex Business Entity Management: Provides tools to manage and review the ownership structures of complex business entities.

why choose us

Automated. Integrated. Dedicated.

Our solution automates the collection of documents from various identity sources and integrates with regional UBO listings, simplifying the compliance process and ensuring thorough verification for both retail and business customers.


Backed by years of experience in case management and customer service solutions.


Continuously evolving our platform with the latest advancements in case management technology.


Dedicated customer support team to assist with setup, customisation, and ongoing maintenance.


Can be deployed on-premise or hosted in a cloud environment, offering deployment flexibility.

Enhanced Compliance and Security

Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and enhances security through robust case management features.


Advanced Compliance Tools.

Features include automated document collection, integration with centralised identity and business directory sources, UBO checks, configurable workflows, SLA management, escalations, audit trails, and reporting, providing robust support for KYC compliance.

Case Management

Service Leval Agreements (SLAs): Define and manage SLAs to ensure timely resolution of cases.

Escalations: Automate escalations based on predefined rules to ensure prompt attention to critical cases.

Workflow Configuration: Customise workflows to match organisational processes and ensure smooth case handling.

Maker-Checker Processes: Implement maker-checker processes to ensure thorough review and approval of actions.

Customer Communications: Manage customer communications within the case, ensuring clear and consistent updates. Send status updates via SMS or email to keep customers informed about the progress of their cases.

Parent and Child Cases: Create and manage parent and child cases for complex scenarios that involve multiple related issues.

Custom Decisions and Rules: Handle custom decisions and rules through the solution's decision and rules engine.

Analytics, Dashboards, and Reports: Provide comprehensive analytics, dashboards, and reports for monitoring and managing cases. Includes a report and dashboard designer for custom reports and dashboards.

Identity & Verification Case Exceptions

Document Verification Exceptions: Handle exceptions related to the verification of identity documents, such as mismatched information or unclear images.

Biometric Verification Exceptions: Manage exceptions in biometric verification processes, including facial recognition and fingerprint mismatches.

Liveness Detection Exceptions: Address exceptions in liveness detection processes to ensure the authenticity of the individual being verified.

Document Collection Automation

Retail Customer Integration: Connect to centralised identity data sources to automate the collection of documents and information that would typically be collected manually.

Business Customer Integration: Connect to business directory sources to bring back necessary business information, reducing manual data entry and errors.

Ultimate Beneficiary Ownership (UBO): Connect to regional UBO listings, allowing users to perform necessary compliance checks and ensuring accurate identification of ultimate beneficiaries.

Multi-Channel Case Handling

Channel Integration: Handle cases originated from various channels including mobile, web, call centre, branch, and others.

Vendor Integration: Integrate seamlessly with different software vendors to manage digital onboarding journeys created for different bank channels.

Uniform Handling: Ensure all KYC-related cases from these channels are handled uniformly in the compliance workspace.

Advanced Case Management Features

Configurable Dashboards: Provide customisable dashboards for real-time monitoring and management of cases.

Role-Based Access Controls: Ensure secure access to case information based on user roles and responsibilities.

Audit Trails: Maintain detailed audit trails of all actions taken within the case management system for compliance and review.

Reporting and Analytics: Generate reports and perform analytics on case management performance and trends.

Report and Dashboard Designer: Create custom reports and dashboards to meet specific business needs.

Integration Capabilities: Integrate with other systems and platforms to streamline data flow and case management processes. Features a rich API for integration by other vendors.

Screening Matching

Sanction List Matching: Manage cases where a potential match is found on global sanction lists, ensuring thorough investigation and compliance.

Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) Matching: Handle cases involving potential matches with PEP lists to ensure enhanced due diligence.

Adverse Media Matching: Manage cases where potential matches are found in adverse media sources, requiring further investigation.

Multi-Channel Case Handling

Entity Map: Utilise an entity map to easily traverse and manage the ownership structure of complex business entities.

Ownership Structure Review: Collect and display all necessary information for each entity within the ownership structure for user review, ensuring comprehensive compliance checks.


Enhance Compliance
and Efficiency.

Implementing our Compliance Workspace module improves regulatory compliance, reduces the risk of identity fraud, decreases manual processing costs, and enhances the overall efficiency of compliance operations.

Reduced Abandonment Rate

Improves the onboarding experience, reducing the rate of abandonment.

Improved Efficiency

Automates case management processes, reducing manual effort and improving efficiency.

Improved Management Visibility and Control

Provides management with enhanced visibility and control over case management activities.

Enhanced Visibility

Provides real-time visibility into case status and performance, enabling proactive management and timely resolution.

Compliance and Security

Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements through detailed audit trails and secure handling of case data.

Increased Sales and Maximised Profitability

Streamlined processes and efficient case handling contribute to increased sales and profitability.

Reduced Operational Cost

Automates and streamlines processes, reducing operational costs.

Reduced Onboarding TAT

Reduces the turnaround time for onboarding new accounts, speeding up the process.

Customer Satisfaction

Enhances customer satisfaction by ensuring prompt and effective resolution of KYC-related cases.

Sybrin Platform - Use Cases

use cases

Unlock Your Full Business Potential.

Agent-Assisted Banking: Enable agents to assist customers in resolving KYC-related issues through a comprehensive case management system.

Retail Banking: Handle KYC-related exceptions and screening matches for retail account openings.

Digital Banking: Streamline KYC case management for digital banking customers, enhancing efficiency and compliance.

Business Banking: Manage KYC-related exceptions and screening matches for business accounts, ensuring compliance and security.

Self-Onboarding: Allow customers to submit KYC-related requests and exceptions independently, ensuring they are handled promptly.

Remote Onboarding: Facilitate remote management of KYC-related exceptions and screening matches, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

E-commerce: Address KYC-related exceptions and requests to ensure seamless customer experiences and compliance.

Telecommunications: Manage customer KYC-related requests and exceptions efficiently.

Multi-Channel Integration: Handle KYC-related cases from various channels including mobile, web, call centre, and branch uniformly.